
BOGE unveils new high speed turbo compressors

June 17, 2015
  When BOGE America’s representatives heard about BOGE High Speed Turbo (HST) compressor technology, they couldn’t wait for it to be officially unveiled. At Hannover Messe trade fair, they finally saw it: BOGE’s new High Speed Turbo compressors.
  BOGE’s New High Speed Turbo compressors on display at Hannover Messe
  ?BOGE managing director Thorsten Meier was delighted with the response.
  “We are more than happy with the results of the fair,” he said. “We succeeded in surprising and captivating the industry and trade show visitors with our new High Speed Turbo technology.”
  BOGE representatives were on hand at Hannover Messe to demonstrate how the new High Speed Turbo compressor’s design has radically reduced the number of components and applied an intelligent design principle, resulting in fundamental improvements in weight, size, noise emissions, energy efficiency, and, of particular interest to manufacturers that are trying to maintain a competitive edge, cost efficiency. BOGE expects their new High Speed Turbo compressor to create a 30 percent savings in overall costs through the life cycle of the machine, compared to traditional oil-free compressed air technology.
  According to Meier: “This is like a quantum leap for manufacturing, and it signifies a paradigm shift within the sector. Our interdisciplinary team has developed a highly efficient machine. We are particularly proud of the fact that everything — including motors, frequency converters, controls and even the software — is made by BOGE.”
  BOGE is the only compressor manufacturer to offer this type of technology, which has already seen thousands of operating hours during development. The oil-free technology is particularly relevant to the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and electrical engineering sectors.
  “With this development, we are setting new standards in the sector,” Meier said with enthusiasm.
  BOGE’s High Speed Turbo compressors were the highlight of their display at Hannover Messe. Visitors got to wear 3D Oculus Rift glasses to see the compressors from the inside and experience the advantages of the new technology during a visual roller coaster ride through the machine. Live demonstrations also allowed visitors to witness the low vibration and quiet running of the compressors.
  But BOGE had more in store for their tradeshow visitors, and they took advantage of the global event to promote their “Industry 4.0” concept by presenting other new developments for energy-efficient and intelligent compressed air generation. The latest innovations in piston and screw compressors, nitrogen and oxygen generators, scroll compressors for the oil-free sector, and control and monitoring systems were all introduced as part of BOGE’s contribution to an intelligent, adaptive overall system — or “smart factory.”