
Gas transmission museum opens in Moscow

February 20, 2017
   Gazprom, a global energy company based in Russia, has opened the Gas Transmission Museum in Moscow.
  The museum, established in the Gazprom Transgaz Moscow premises, features a mix of traditional pieces and modern presentation technology, such as multimedia displays and interactive sections. The building formerly housed the Moscow district operation center of the first Russian long-distance gas pipeline known as Saratov – Moscow in the 1940s.
  The museum has an exhibition area that covers more than 10,764 sq. ft. (1000 m2), including 10 exhibition rooms and adjacent territories. Its collection combines traditional museum pieces with advanced presentation technologies.
  The traditional pieces include original documents from the national gas transmission system’s construction; historical photos and footage; construction tools and gas transmission equipment from the 1940s and 1950s, one of which is a Cooper-Bessemer gas engine-driven compressor.
  The interactive sections feature models of gas transmission facilities, such as a compressor station, a gas distribution station and a gas metering station. Guests can view a gas pipeline from a development well to its end customers, as well as walk through a life-sized pipeline. Multimedia terminals give visitors a look at available gas jobs and a chance to manage a gas pipeline operation center. Visitors can also learn about national gas industry veterans and today’s gas professionals.