
Dresser-Rand supplying compressor trains to Ghana

December 16, 2016
   Dresser-Rand, part of Siemens Power and Gas, will be supplying two compressor trains to an onshore receiving facility (ORF) in Ghana, Africa. These trains are the first DATUM compressors driven by Siemens gas turbines the Dresser-Rand business has sold even though there are more than 1000 DATUM compressors and 300 SGT-400 gas turbines in operation worldwide.  The first compressor unit should arrive on-site in September 2017, the second in October 2017, and the facility should be fully operational by February 2018.
  The SGT-400 turbines will be manufactured in Lincoln in the U.K.
  The trains are being sold to Eni Ghana Exploration and Production Limited (Eni Ghana), which is a subsidiary of the Italian oil company Eni S.p.A. Eni operates the Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) project in Ghana.
  The two D10R8B Dresser-Rand DATUM centrifugal compressors will each be driven by a Siemens SGT-400 gas turbine, with the compressors being manufactured in Le Havre, France and the turbines coming from Lincoln in the UK. The Hengelo facility in the Netherlands will coordinate the Engineering, packaging, and testing of the equipment will be handled by the Hengelo facility in the Netherlands.
  The ORF, located near the village of Sanzule on Ghana's southwestern shore, is a major step for improving Ghana's access to energy and improving the quality of life for its citizens. The ORF will receive the non-associated gas delivered from offshore for further compression and injection into the gas pipeline national network for delivery.